Guerline Damas
The Damas children
Photo of Guerline taken on January 5, 2009 by the sherrifs office as evidence
School administrator: Slain kids 'the most pleasant boys'
Public defender Michael Orlando and Mesac Damas
Balloon memorial outside of the Damas home on Monday 9/21/2009
Guerline's siblings Netty Fleury (left) and Mackindy Dieu (right) at the candlelight vigil on Thursday October 1, 2009.
Caskets at the the Damas family funeral
Sister Netty Fleury is consoled by family during the graveside service of the Damas family
Mourner's at the Damas family funeral
Doves are released by family members
Mesac Damas murder case remains in legal limbo due to death penalty challenges
Dieu Angels